The Point of No Return from The Phantom of the Opera 歌劇魅影

歌劇魅影(the Phantom of the Opera)是由安德魯·洛伊·韋伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)所寫的,不過這次並不打算介紹這部音樂劇,除了我寫不出介紹之外,我想這應該已經是大家耳熟能詳的作品。如果對上次來台的表演有興趣,請看我之前打的心得。
The Point of No Return這首是出自劇中Phantom寫的「唐璜的勝利(Don Juan Triumphant)」1Don … Continue reading。這段先是Phantom唱而後是Christine唱,最後兩人來個大合唱。
就這段而言,我喜歡Michael Crawford唱的勝過Sarah Brightman,這是很難得的事情,因為我往往都是偏好女聲,這次卻覺得Michael的聲音可以深入我心。每次聽到這首,腦中就會浮起音樂劇的這幕,想起後半段Christine因為(Phantom的)劇本的關係要從他後方與他十指交扣,像是引誘他般的勾著他的手唱著:
「How long should we two wait, before we’re one」
簡直就是把the music of the night中兩人的角色互換呀! (歌詞附於下方)
根據我的印象,Phantom至少有在三個地方誘惑Christine:The Music Of The Night、Wishing You Are Somehow Here Again以及此處。
The Point of No Return from The Phantom of the Opera
Don Juan (Phantom飾):
Past the point of no return —
no backward glances:
the game we’ve played till now are at an end…
Past all thought of “if and “when” —
no use resisting:
abandon thought, and let the dream descend…
What reging fird shall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction lies before us …?
Past the point of no return,
the final threshold —
what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn?
Beyond the point of no return…
Aminta (Christine飾):
You have brought me to that moment
where words run dry,
to that moment where
speech disappearss into silence, silence…
I have come here,
hardly knowing the reason why …
In my mind,
I’ve already imagined our bodies entwining,
defenceless and silent —
and now I am here with you:
no second thoughts,
I’ve decided, decided…
Past the point of no return —
no going back now:
our passion-play has now, at last, begun…
Past all thought of right or wrong —
one final question:
how long should we two wait,
before we’re one…
When will the blood begin to race,
the sleeping bud burst into bloom?
When will the flames,
at last, comsume us…
Past the point of no return,
that final threshold —
the bridge is crossed,
so stand and watch it burn…
We’ve passed the point of no return…